Owen Hydrogen Theme Changelog

Wed Apr 19 2023 - Jaxson Luu

Owen Hydrogen Theme Changelog

Explore Owen Hydrogen theme changelog - Know all the "bug fixes", "enhancements", "new features" and "tweaks" included in version updates for Owen theme.

Version 10-08-2024 (coming soon)

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2024.7.2)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.51.0)
  • Fix all codegen issues

Version 10-07-2024

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2024.4.7)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.49.0)
  • Implement Store Locator feature

Version 10-06-2024

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2024.4.3)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.43.0)
  • Update sidebar filter (increase user experience)

Version 10-05-2024

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2024.4.0)
  • Implement sidebar filter on search page
  • Implement Gift Card product

Version 10-04-2024

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2024.1.4)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.36.4)
  • Implement product subscriptions
  • Fix customer account page issue
  • Fix customer order details page issue
  • Fix some responsive styling issues

Version 10-03-2024

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2024.1.3)
  • Upgrade Sanity studio version (3.30.0)
  • Implement Shopify Search suggestions
  • Update multiple languages function
  • Fix upload images issue on return page
  • Fix theme colors issue on collection page
  • Update contact form to avoid bot attacks
  • Add Arabic language
  • Fix some RTL layout issues

Version 10-02-2024

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2024.1.0)
  • Update UI/UX for customer account page
  • Fix Algolia search result page error
  • Implement multiple languages and locales for Algolia Search
  • Update product reviews feature (using Supabase)
  • Update order returns feature (allow customer upload the photos)
  • Update product gallery to display external video (Youtube, Vimeo)
  • Refactor google map component

Version 10-01-2024

  • Implement theme colors settings
  • Implement multiple languages and locales
  • Fix somes UI/UX issues
  • Refactor Sanity Image Hotspot module
  • Update Sanity Studio to compatible with multiple locales
  • Update Strapi to compatible with multiple locales
  • Update newsletter subscribe to using Shopify native instead of Klaviyo
  • Update "You may also like" feature (to compatible with multiple locales)

Version 10-12-2023

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2023.10.3)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.21.1)
  • Enable Authenticated API Requests to Strapi
  • Fix Sanity Studio deploy error

Version 10-11-2023

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2023.10.2)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.18.1)
  • Upgrade Strapi version (4.15.2)
  • Fix some Algolia Search issues
  • Fix scrolling issue for menu mobile
  • Fix CSP (Content Security Policy) issues
  • Fix some PageSpeed issues

Version 10-10-2023

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2023.7.9)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.17.0)
  • Move Admin API token to env (for security)
  • Fix some PageSpeed issues on product page
  • Create new module named "Collection Grid" (to display group collection on homepage)
  • Create "Embed Code" option in the CMS (to add external js, embed iframe, tracking code...)

Version 10-09-2023

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2023.7.7)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.16.4)
  • Upgrade Strapi version (4.13.2)
  • Upgrade all Algolia packages version
  • Fix some Algolia Search issues
  • Add quantity for add to cart section on product page
  • Update "quantity function" in the minicart (to speed up updating)
  • Create HTML module to add HTML content from Sanity and Strapi
  • Update size guide content to using data from CMS

Version 10-08-2023

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2023.7.1)
  • Update newsletter subscribe to using Klaviyo
  • Update out of stock notification to using Klaviyo
  • Remove Omnisend service
  • Implement order tracking feature
  • Implement scroll to load function
  • Update Strapi content type (add scroll to load option)
  • Update Sanity Studio (add scroll to load option)
  • Update contact form to using SendGrid
  • Fix some UI/UX issues on mobile
  • Add Filter Price range

Version 10-07-2023

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2023.4.6)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.14.1)
  • Upgrade Strapi version (4.11.4)
  • Update Strapi content-type
  • Integrate Algolia Recommendations
  • Update out of stock notification

Version 10-06-2023

  • Integrate Algolia Search
  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2023.4.3)
  • Create newsletter popup
  • Integrate chat service
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.12.0), add config for Newsletter popup
  • Upgrade Strapi version (4.10.6), add config for Newsletter popup
  • Develop "You may also like" feature on product page

Version 10-05-2023

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2023.4.0)
  • Integrate Strapi CMS
  • Fix most of ESLint warning
  • Update document (for Strapi and Installation)

Version 10-04-2023

  • Upgrade Hydrogen version (2023.1.6)
  • Upgrade Sanity version (3.11.3)
  • Update document

Version 10-03-2023

  • Migrate Owen theme from Hydrogen V1 to Hydrogen V2
  • Migrate Sanity V2 to Sanity V3
  • Remove Owen Hydrogen V1 from theme package
  • Update document

Version 10-01-2023

  • Release Owen theme based on Shopify Hydrogen V1
  • Create online document